Plan, Book and Track Your Business Travel Anywhere, Anytime - Let’s Go!Welcome to IKOH by JTB Business Travel, a convenient, time-saving and secure app to manage all your global travel needs in one place. A single multi-purpose app for JTBMarketPlace clients that’s user-friendly and loaded with features to ensure your trip is worry-free. Key Features:o Online booking tool (OBT) integrationo Itinerary managemento Flight, hotel, rail and car service detailso Real-time flight status and alertso Travel and Visa requirementso Live24 customer service via in-app chat messaging, email or phoneo Offline access to past, current and upcoming tripso Share your location and itineraryo Destination maps, guides and directionso Sign in once, and the app will keep you logged in for quicker viewingo Available in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and SpanishExperience a free personalized travel app geared toward road warriors that adapts to your specific travel needs. Ideal for small to mid-size companies and individual travelers who want to manage all their travel in one place. Download IKOH by JTB Business Travel today!Clients must be registered with JTBMarketPlace. Contact your JTB Travel Advisor for details, or visit to get started.